Went 4-wheelin' in some amazing countryside/farmland. The quads were fun, kept getting reprimanded by the tour guy for driving crazy, though. Went Zorbing which was whacky and fun - big round ball rolling down a hill you're inside of with some water to keep things somewhat smooth.
Went to a Tamaki Village where the Moari people gave us a taste of their culture and traditions. Prolly the highlight of the trip so far. They did a great dance and just the whole feel of the culture and people was special. Unfortunately I was filming more than taking photos so don't have many good ones.
Went Louging which was pretty good fun. Some good banking turns and drop offs. Got a free ride for no particular reason - something Kiwis seem to have a natural knack for. The attendant just felt like being nice after his friends joked that I should check my camera bag that I had left in his care during my runs since I couldn't louge and film at the same time.
Camped out a couple nights. This morning was mite cold with some rain and my stuff stayed mostly dry. Thanks for the bungees Dad, they worked out great for keeping my tent and bedpad to my pack. Bought a day pack as well which has been helpful.
There was more but that's all the time I have right now. All in the last day or so. Good times. I don't bother looking at my bank account - takes the fun out of it.
It's me again, is N.Z. one big nature amusement park or what..I hope you syrvived sky diving!CPR
Hi Jason,
If you do it all in the first weeks you'll have to spend the coming months at some place where you can do something especially Kiwi. Not looking at your budget could force that on you. I love your blog and think you are doing a good job. We're going to have a weekly 9/11 show on WBCR. Bungees are a good thing, very versatile and useful especially combined with some string or rope or even duct tape. I'm glad you're using the tent --- it's a lot of weight if it doesn't get used. Keep smiling at all the people and have some courage to strike up a conversation.
Jackson, you are hysterical. I feel like I am living vicariously through you. Thanks for "playing" so well. I especially like your bit about health insurance. Yup play it some what safe. What a place to test one's daredevil skill. Any ways can't wait to hear about your skydiving adventure, that is so much fun!!! And like dad said you'll end up low key towards the end or coming home early, but either way you are having a great time by all accounts.
Love pregnant sister
P.S. Jason, Paulo says hello and agian I can't get over your wonderful ability to dive in and do some fun and crazy things. You look great in the photos and as you finish tapes you could send them home so they don't get lost or damaged. Any ways love you tons and can't wait to read and see where you go next. Love Illona
Hey!!! Wait! Wait for MEE!!!
--jealous in Spanish Harlem
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