Michelangelo and I have been hitchhiking the last couple days. He leaves a couple hours before I do and then we meet up in the next town.
Yep, traveling in style. The last ride I got was in a red '71 Mustang. Americans seem to have a reputation of having a high gun related crime rate among New Zealanders. The first time I got picked up was from a slightly shady looking character with a scruffy face and bad complexion and bad teeth. When he asked me if anyone had ever pointed a gun at me I half expected him to pull a gun on me when I answered no. He said he knew a guy visiting the states who was in a diner when somebody pulled a gun on a guy and shot him in the head in broad daylight in the middle of the diner. Another scruffy looking guy who picked me up and bought me a coffee (nice guy who just started doing WWOOFing with his farm) made mention of the number of guns apparently available to people in America and then the guy in the Mustang today also made a comment on how Americans seem to have easy access to hand guns when he asked me if I hitchhiked in the U.S.
First we hitchhiked from Dunedin to a small town called Moeraki where there are these strange round boulders. I forget how they formed but I think it had to do with geothermal activity in the sea - maybe volcanically? Anyway, they aren't dinosaur eggs in case that's what you were thinking.
We also had some extremely good Blue Cod caught fresh daily. We tried to fry it with flour but it didn't quite work out right. It didn't matter tho, you could cook it plain and it would still taste great. It was so good we had it the last three nights. It was in Moeraki when we discovered Montieth's Black. We both agreed it was very tasty. Michelangelo bought a bottle of red wine which was also top notch.
So two nights in Moeraki and one night in Oamaru and today we arrived in Timaru. More penguins and seals in Moeraki. We had to walk a few miles to get to the penguin viewing but it was worth it. Got some good video of fur seals claiming terriroty.
There was also a large sea bird colony that we stumbled upon when tramping about in someone's private farm land. A seagull (at least I think that's what it was) acted as protector of the rest of the sea birds on the cliff when we so rudely arrived on their beach which I thought was kind of peculiar. There was also a trampoline at Moeraki campsite.
Long update today because there's free internet in this Hostel. There wasn't much in Oamaru. Just some public gardens we walked around in and I climbed a tree and jumped a creek. Oh and in the evening we walked out on a pier and there were some highschool girls crewing or what you call it. They were quite happy to have their pictures taken.
Since you're not spam I suppose I can give my real name. Jason Root. Sometimes things are overpriced, even with the 1.4 exchange rate and sometimes things (like food) are unerpriced, but often everything seems a bit expensive. Skydive in Taupo - very cheap there.
Well, I'm three months in New Zealand so no itinerary. Most of the stuff I've done on here is through the easy convenience of the Kiwi Experience bus tour company. I started in Auckland and went south stopping and doing various things along the way to arrive in Wellington about a week or so later. Then went down the west coast all the way to Queenstown. Then Fiordland, then cut across the south but didn't go to Invercargill. Did do the Catlins tho in the south/south east. Then started going up the north coast. Then took a little detour from Timaru to Mt. Cook where I spent only a few hours, walked around, nearly got blown over by the wind again, saw some groovy colored water and massive peaks with heaps of snow and glaciers on them. Then came back to Timaru today. Hitching works out pretty good.
hi dear,it's me CPR, i'mm at illonas being grandma. we are having lots of fun, you are so adventuras. is it easier to hitch hike alone. how cool to meet a michelangelo. how old is he and how long will he be there for? do you know where you'll be for xmas.
Hey Jackson, it's the big round belly woman, uggh. Anyways that's just for how heavy my belly feels, but I have to say you have a cute neice or nephew on the way!!! Again, it sounds like you are on a roll, and you seem to be blending in quite nicely. You look great!!! The hitchiking is great, nice car, and of course you get to meet quite a variety of people and all the stories they tell. We love you, we had a great baby shower, tons of gifts and it's been nice weather so Mom and I are up and about buying all things baby related. I know Dad is getting ready to do the Christmas play and attempting to keep down the fort with out Mom. Allie and Mom enjoyed the shower and Lily and Lana and Dulci came as well as many of my friends from work and school. Paulo's family of course is ever so fabulous and they throw great parties. The food and gifts alone were enough to make any one feel very much like the center of the universe!!! Spoiled is another word for it! Mom is asking if you sent Yia Yia a card of you bungee jumping or a Christmas card. Email if you need the address. We love you and can't wait for your next enstallment. I can't say it enough, wish I were there, you'd make a great tour guide!!! Love Illona and CPR
Hi there fantastic blog keep it up.I found a great travel site about auckland new zealand for anyone interested in going there this is a must.I went there last month and this information was crutial
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